Hacker Hideouts: Surprising Cybersecurity Threats
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From your thermostat and refrigerator to your television and watch, every household item seems to be smarter nowadays thanks to the Internet of Things. As these devices become more and more popular, hackers have and will continue to search for ways to compromise these connections. This means that the need for constant vigilance and awareness of cybersecurity is more important than ever.

With that being said, do you know where hackers like to hide in this interconnected new world? Below are just a few examples of the formerly unthought-of (and rather terrifying) hideouts that are now run rampant by eager cybercriminals.

  • Baby Monitors– It sounds as if it is out of a horror movie, but if your baby monitor is wirelessly accessible, hackers can use it to keep track of you in your own home. If there is a camera attached to said monitor system as well, this means that they would have both audio and visual access to watch you, your family, and your home.
  • Social Media– One of the better-known playgrounds for hackers, social media has been a big issue for all users spanning from popular companies to large news organizations. Twitter has proven to be one of the favorite social networks for hackers, with recent examples being Chipotle and Newsweek Twitter hacks.
  • Cars– According to a recent report, nearly 100-percent of cars have some sort of weakness that hackers can exploit to gain access to the vehicle or owner’s information. From navigation systems and keyless entry to remote start and self-driving capabilities, the repercussions of these cyberattacks could prove to be more deadly than costly in the long run. 
  • Third-Party Apps– Certain third-party applications have proven to be rather dangerous for users. Defined as an application that is provided by any vendor other than the actual manufacturer of the device, third-party apps are sometimes even built to be malicious by tricking users and stealing their login information. Recently, Snapchat was the victim of a major data breach in which more than 90,000 photos and 9,000 video files were stolen.
  • Credit Card Readers– Huge names in the world of retail, including Michaels, Target, Neiman Marcus, and Home Depot, have been the victims of payment terminals or point-of-sale systems through which hackers are able to access customer credit card information.  

Thanks to these connected devices, the digital world has never been more accessible – and has also never been so vulnerable. As these technologies continue to be released, what can we do to ensure that we are protected from hackers?
